Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful." - Helen Keller

I went to the eye doctor today. After going through all the routine tests and checkups, Dr. Esperon told me that my right eye prescription is going up slightly, while the left is steady.

I inquired about some reading I had done on the internet about vision. Somewhere out there, the idea that your vision stops changing at a certain age was somehow ingrained into my mind. So, naturally, I asked about it.

His response was that your vision can plateau in your 20s, but that doesn't mean that it won't change. Your vision can actually move up or down, good or bad by fractions of a point as you age. And here I am thinking that it would only get worse!

Here's to another year of sight (good or bad), the ability to see beautiful world, and the vision to see things through to the end!

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